Emmy Watch 2016: ‘Sense8’ Deserves A Nomination For Music Direction.

—Yahoo! Entertainment

“Ethan is an imaginative musician with an enormous range of enthusiasms and influences. He's enthusiastic, smart, and spirited. His involvement encourages the best type of friendly competition...you want to do a better job because of the great ideas HE comes up with!”

—Esteemed Music Editor, Joe E. Rand

“By the second track of 'I Believe In You,' you become instantly aware of the passion Ethan has for music. An eclectic, genre-crossing tapestry; groovy, sweet, sultry and smart.”

—Lilly Wachowski

Motion Picture Editors Guild Member Profile: What Our Members Do, Interview with Music Editor Ethan Stoller


Scene & Heard: Behind the Music of Sense8 S2. An interview with music editor and composer, Ethan Stoller


The Symphony of Sense8: Interview with Music Editor Ethan Stoller

—Live Sense8 Podcast